Wednesday 5 October 2011

Textual Analysis - WP

Textual Analysis - Web page

In the end I decided to create a music magazine instead of a web page, as I have had previous experiences with designing web pages and using programmes such as 'Dreamweaver' I am not confident enough to create a whole artist web page.

In addition, after creating my digi pack album, I have found I am a lot more confident in using site such as 'photoshop' and 'picnik' to manipulate images so this is why I have chosen to so a magazine advert as it has similarities on how it created that the album pack such as editing images.

I did this so I could see what a real media web page would look like for a similar artist as mine with similar music videos. This will help me when designing and making my own one. I really think this is the same sort of web page that I want to create.

Things that I can use on the Magazine Advert...

The convention that are used on this web page I can transfer onto the music magazine that will help me in constructing it. The image below shows what you see when you first look at the web page when it loads. This things that I will take and put on the magazine advert are the big bold font that says the artist name and the use of other fonts around the page. I will also use images of the artist but different to the web page I will use one dominate image of the artist to show that it is him and that this is his album. (only one image needed). I will also put information about where to get the album from other sites, this seen below in the form of hyperlinks.

In the image below  this shows pictures of previous albums and images of the artist. I think the only think that I can take from this is I am going put I am image of the current album as that is what the magazine ad is trying to sell. I will not use the linear effect as I think I need a more informal look for the magazine to show off the quirky and interesting personality of the artist.

The image below shoes the second half of the web page when you scroll down. The only thing that I would use in the use of different fonts all over the page.

The things that I am going to include on MY web page...

- Multi-media, the use of hyperlinks, video, text and images.

- Lots of images of the artist in different situations, making the genre of music clear to the audience.

- Interactivity with other hyperlinks and videos.

- I would use more colours and different and bright fonts and images.

I learnt from this what are the elements I need to make my own web page. I think that I can take some of the things that have been used on this web page and use them on mine. I think by doing this is have got the conventions sorted so now know. (see above on what I have learnt).

1 comment:

  1. Beth,

    It is good that you are using a final paragraph to show the reader what you have learned BUT it is far too brief. You say that you have learnt 'what I have to include'.

    Okay, then you MUST tell the reader these things or otherwise they will have to guess. So, use a bullet point list and, even if it is only 3 or 4 points, tell the reader some of the content that you are specifically going to use on your website
